The General Shopping Habits of the INTJ.


The General Shopping Habits of the INTJ.

General Shopping Habits of the INTJ

Over the past three weeks, I’ve been talking about the fashion habits of INTJ females (you can check out part 1 here, part 2 here, and part 3 here). While the focus of the previous articles was specific to INTJ  females, many of the concepts I talked about in the

Girl in black knit dress, mini-length

Paradox 1: About that Victorian Vamp Life

Paradox 1: About that Victorian Vamp Life This week, I’m sharing two ASPIRE looks. The two looks symbolize the paradoxical nature of certain MBTI types. If you’ve been in the MBTI community long enough, you’ll have seen posts about type contradictions or paradoxes. The two most common INTJ paradoxes that I’ve seen


The Elusive Fashion Habits of the INTJ Female: Part 3

The Elusive Fashion Habits of the INTJ Female: Part 3 Now Available as an expanded e-book! Check it out here. Welcome to the final installment of our Elusive Fashion Habits of the INTJ Female series. If you missed Part 1: What an INTJ looks for in Her Fashion, or Part 2: INTJ

Always Uttori Playlist Image

INTJ Music Playlist #1: INTJ Female and Proud

Who’s ready for some music?! I’m sharing some of my favorite music that gets my INTJ-cognition jamming. With apologies to the late Mr. James Brown, Say it loud, INTJ female and proud! You can access this playlist here on YouTube, or scroll down to jam out! Oh No, Marina and

The Elusive Fashion Habits of the INTJ Female: Part 2

The Elusive Fashion Habits of the INTJ Female: Part 2

The Elusive Fashion Habits of the INTJ Female: Part 2 Now Available as an expanded e-book! Check it out here. Part 2 Welcome to part 2 of The Elusive Fashion Habits of the INTJ Female. If you missed part 1, where we talked about what attracts INTJs to certain fashion,

10 reasons an INTJ loves Korean dramas: Part 2.

10 Reasons an INTJ loves Korean Dramas: Part 2

Back at it with the final five reasons I love K-Dramas. If you missed part one, you can check it out here! 1. Innocence It’s always jarring to me when I switch over from my Xbox (after watching Viki) to American TV. It seems like half the shows on American

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