Unicorn Life

[cs_content][cs_section parallax=”false” style=”margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;”][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/1″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_block_grid type=”two-up”][cs_block_grid_item title=”Block Grid Item 1″]Introvert Life - New Year's Fashion Look 4. Photo 1. INTJ Fashion Blogger, I'mari Avey. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey. Published in Alwaysuttori.com

Our Mission

Mission Statements are so 1999. Yet, while most business organizations no longer see the mission statement as relevant, we do have a guiding mission.

The Alwaysuttori.com mission is to discover, inform, and educate our readers about products, services, and experiences that we believe would be suitable for both INTJ cognition and the introvert lifestyle.

While we love discovering new, helpful, or engaging things our readers would enjoy, we don’t want to inundate them with information that is irrelevant.

In keeping with our mission, we are very selective about the types of promotional content that we offer on our website and through our social media.

If you are interested in working with us, choose from one of the following links:

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Understanding Unicorns

We love working with brands. However, just as brands want the right influencer to represent their product, Always Uttori works hard to make sure that the products and/or services that we share with our audience of unicorns is appropriate and focused on meeting their needs. If you are interested in sharing your product or service with our readers, please keep in mind the following

What Unicorns Do

A lot of people don’t understand INTJ females, or introverts in general. They wonder if we’re all a bit narcissistic. Maybe a bit. Usually because INTJ females just think differently. Rationality is inherently a female trait, but INTJ females prefer using logic and reason over emotion. That means that a significant number of INTJ females enter careers that rely on logic. What do we do? We are doctors, lawyers, accountants, technology consultants, biker chicks, whatever gives us the opportunity to use our intellect.


What We Like
INTJ females are introverted intuitives. We use our intuition A LOT. We like fantasy fiction, everyday magic, and days of grace. We are also systems thinkers. We like breaking things apart in our minds, and thinking of ways to make things work better. We’re not the best at keeping house, but we can make your business systems hum.

What We Love

We love beautiful solitude because it allows us to think. When we’re not noodling things around in our heads, unicorns might choose to read a good book beside a cheerful fire. What about romantic love? Yes, please. Contrary to our emotionless exteriors, a partner who gives foot massages; but who is independent enough to give us our space (without being needy, jealous, or untrustworthy) gets BIG INTJ femme LOVE.
Need a template for our ideal guy? Many of us would be torn between Sherlock Holmes or Moriarty, INTJ females don’t want dumb, pretty boys. We want intellectuals who are smart enough to be fit, hold a conversation, and make good leadership decisions. Stupidity, selfishness, inconsistency, and lack of loyalty are all big turn offs.

What We Buy

Unicorns buy many of the same things other women buy; the only difference is that we don’t like to shop. We hunt, meaning that if we don’t know about a product before we go into the store, you’re not going to convince us with in-store promotions.

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