
The Elusive Fashion Habits of the INTJ Female: Part 3

The Elusive Fashion Habits of the INTJ Female: Part 3

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Welcome to the final installment of our Elusive Fashion Habits of the INTJ Female series. If you missed Part 1: What an INTJ looks for in Her Fashion, or Part 2: INTJ Shopping Habits, be sure to check them out. In this, our final installment, we cover the topic of what happens in INTJ cognition AFTER a purchase has been made and how INTJs wear the fashions they own.

An INTJ Bought Something. Now What?

INTJ Thought Bubble: “God, I’m finally done with all this ridiculous shopping. No more shopping ’til next year!”

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Photo Credit: Jonathan Story                               

While some MBTI  types shop for the thrill of a new purchase or the enjoyment of a social experience, neither of those shopping related characteristics motivate INTJs. As outlined in Elusive Shopping Habits Part 2, the shopping experience is more akin to torture for the INTJ cognition type. INTJs need time to consider the pros and cons of purchasing a particular item from a particular vendor. They shop to fill a specific need (the need may be a necessity or a desire, either way, it is specific and the result of careful consideration prior to purchase). Because INTJs spend such a long time analyzing and researching potential purchases, these purchases represent genuine effort to the INTJ. They are in no hurry to repeat this process. This means an INTJ will take care of valued purchases in ways other cognition types may not. Perfectionist traits and imaginative solutions all play a role in what INTJ females do with their fashion purchases, as well as how they wear them. From this perspective, retailers and designers interested in eliminating friction from the INTJ buyer journey should focus just as much on the before and after aspects of the shopping experience.

1. They Use Style References

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Photo Credit: Michael Blann                                                                          Stone:

Why do INTJs like style guides? INTJ cognition isn’t strong in the extroverted sensing department. Putting outfits together may not come intuitively. A style guide acts as a reference allowing the INTJ to see how an outfit goes together, making it easy and effortless for them to get up, to dress and go. INTJs don’t want to have to spend a lot of time thinking about how and what things should go together (there are many more interesting things to think about!) The reference takes thinking out of the equation. Additionally, INTJs may be less likely to buy and wear clothes (especially odd or unique items, which we love) if there isn’t a picture of how it should be worn. Simple shots of a shirt on a flat surface don’t give a clear idea of what the outfit will look like on. All of this isn’t to say that INTJs have a difficult time putting outfits together. Instead, INTJs don’t want to put a lot of thought and effort into the fashion of every day. If there is a special occasion or event, then INTJs are happy to put a lot of thought and effort into an outfit.

2. They Categorize Fashion Purchases By Context

For the INTJ fashionista, context is a key factor in making a purchase decision. What do I mean by context? INTJ females are aware of the impact that clothes have on perceptions. Although they are the most likely MBTI-type to rebel against societal boundaries, they are also aware of the cost of such rebellion. That is why context is important to INTJ females. Just as they use care and consideration in purchase decisions, they also give consideration to their rebellions. For some MBTI-types, fashion offers the perfect opportunity to show their rebellious side. For the INTJ female, fashion is deemed too risky to consistently use in this way. Throughout their formative years, it is fashion that creates a feeling of being ostracized for INTJ females. In situations where “fitting in” with fashion is important, think junior high and high school, INTJs learn to use context as a filter for fashion decisions. Once freed from the need to consider social as a primary context in fashion decisions, INTJ females often add other contextual filters as a sort of multi-factor verification process in fashion purchase decisions. The INTJ female may approach fashion purchases from a mixture of any of the following contextual perspectives: perfectionism, practicality, occasion, culture, individuality, topical interest, self-perception, etc.  That is why this fashion blog uses more categorizations for fashion than “Outfit of the Day.” The categories represent a more contextual view of fashion. For the INTJ female, placing contextual filters on fashion is, in one sense, a survival skill.

3. They Wear Clothes for Extended Periods

INTJ Thought Bubble: “Maybe I can get away with wearing this to work too. I’ve only worn it for two days.

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 Photo Credit: Michael Bezjian, The Starving Artists Project                                        Getty Entertainment

A long time ago, I read a very unflattering article portraying INTJs as terrible slobs who are lazy and uncaring about their appearance. After my offense over the article died down, I thought about it and realized that perhaps there was some truth hidden in among the insults directed at INTJs. Lazy, uncaring slobs? No. Not really. However, surely most of us, no matter what our MBTI, has found themselves wearing the same PJs for an entire weekend. It’s only two days, right? Some INTJs may take this “revelling in comfort” to the next level. It really depends on the situation and the personal preferences of the INTJ, but yes, an INTJ “might” wear the same clothes/outfit/kigurumi pjs for multiple consecutive days. Hopefully this would only occur when the INTJ is staying home. Sometimes, you just don’t want to take off an outfit that just works, or is super comfortable. However, female INTJs may be more conscious of this than male INTJs. I hope Always Uttori has made it clear that, despite what many articles about INTJ females say, we don’t lack a basic understanding of hygiene or social convention. So while an INTJ female may wear the same clothes consecutively, over a short period, they will take context into consideration. For example, if they will be going out two days in a row but not seeing the same people, wearing the same, not smelly, outfit is game. Another INTJ quirk might be to wear daytime clothes to bed instead of PJs. It’s much more efficient to already be dressed in the morning. More time to sleep. (-_-)zzzz.

4. They May Not Remove Clothing Tags

INTJ Thought Bubble: “Do you know how cheap this was? Every time I look at the tag I feel like I won the lottery. The tag stays. It shows what a savvy shopper I am.”

Embed from Getty Images

 Photo Credit: E+ | Gilaxia                                                                                       

INTJs like to collect information. This may lead them to collect tags. This may be due to the inferior function, extroverted sensing, which is drawn to pretty and visually appealing things, working in tandem with extroverted thinking which seeks to know and organize facts. The more unique the clothing/brand tag, the more likely it’s sticking around for a while. There is valuable information on the tag as well, such as price, brand, etc. Retaining this information may be useful in the future for wearing instructions, washing instructions, or if you are planning on reselling. Personally, if I’m not going to wear something very often, I keep the tag on as long as it’s not obvious that it’s still there. If it’s a bag, I often keep the tag in the inner pocket. While an INTJ may be willing to keep a tag, if there is no compelling reason to keep it, an INTJ won’t have any problems throwing it away.

5. Will Try To Repair Clothes If There Is A Problem

It may come as a surprise that INTJs aren’t scared of a little DIY. You would think that being dominate intuition users, that they wouldn’t have much interest in crafting pursuits, but when it the situation calls for it, an INTJ isn’t scared of a little mending, taping, or gluing. Rather than throw out a piece of clothing that has a hole/problem, an INTJ will evaluate it and see if they can fix it themselves. Again, if research is necessary, an INTJ will learn how to fix it. On the flip side, if the problem is can’t be fixed, an INTJ might just wear it anyway.

6.Will Keep Clothes For A Long Time

INTJ Thought Bubble: They still look like jeans, right?”

Embed from Getty Images

 Photo Credit:  Blend Images                         

INTJs keep their clothes as long as possible. Obviously if there is a serious problem with the clothing, a change in the INTJ aesthetic, or a growth spurt, the clothes have to go, but as long as everything is functional, an INTJ has no reason to get rid of clothes. They are not swayed by fashion trends, or at least do not conform to them as readily as other types might (unless the INTJ just really wants to follow the trends). Additionally, INTJs tend to remember the approximate price of purchased items. This can make it difficult to get rid of clothes, which may be surprising since INTJs are supposed to be logical. However, in the INTJs mind, it’s more logical to wear something to full $50 capacity. While this may sound strange, an INTJ is not above sentimental attachments. Sometimes that anime shirt from 10th grade is just so awesome, you have to keep it.

So that’s it for Elusive Fashion Habits of the INTJ Female series. Of course, these habits don’t account for all INTJ females. Instead, consider it as a generalization of preferences. We are all individuals, and that should be what fashion is about. If you’re an INTJ, I’d love to know what you think. Do any of these habits fit your lifestyle and fashion choices? If you aren’t an INTJ, feel free to share your MBTI and a few shopping preferences in the comments.

16 Replies to “The Elusive Fashion Habits of the INTJ Female: Part 3”

  1. Patrice says:

    Im a fashionista and fashion rebel and i also am a tad bit sensitive to how i come off so i try to add a touch of conservatism to it.

    • Always Uttori says:

      Hi Patrice,
      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! Conservative yet rebellious fashionista, sounds like the kind of paradox an INTJ thrives in :D.

  2. Kay says:

    This was quite the enjoyable read, and I agree with pretty much everything in all three parts. I research extensively, I wear my PJs for a week (unless I’m staying over somewhere), I will wait for the sales and I do keep tags (even the shopping bag) and the quickest way to depress me is to send me shopping with a particular goal and/or object in mind – and then not be able to find it, or if I do find it, finding that it’s not suitable. It probably goes towards explaining why I’ll make my own clothes if I have the time for it.

    • Always Uttori says:

      Thank you Kay, I appreciate the feedback! I’m glad I got it mostly right, and have been surprised to find that so many INTJ females do keep bags and tags. It doesn’t seem like something an INTJ would do, but I put it in because I do it and my mom always thought it was strange. That’s awesome that you make your own clothes. I’ve dabbled with that a little, but haven’t practiced enough to be really good. It is hard to find the time, but also great to be able to make exactly what you want in the comfortable fabric of choice ;).

  3. Sarah says:

    Another female INTJ checking in… I just read your three part series. Fascinating, thanks. I’d say that the combination of all three hit me at about 80%, especially the shopping process article.
    One thing that I didn’t see mentioned that I am quite passionate about, and would be interested in thoughts from others, is thrift shopping.
    Combining several elements that you stated… I have a very limited selection colors that I allow in my closet (dark, earthy colors), I do my research in advance and have an idea of what I’m shopping for (be it clothing type, color, style, etc.), I’ve educated myself about the feel of quality fabrics, and I am frugal beyond all things. I get an absolute thrill to wonder down the (long, straight, tidy) aisles at the local thrift stores, quickly glancing for [item type] I need (in one of my predefined colors). When I see the edge of something promising, I pause to touch the fabric, if passes these two sensory tests, I pull it out, check the brand, size, style, condition… I have my thrifting boiled down to a science and it makes me actually enjoy shopping when I can find an entire ‘new’ outfit for less than the price of a new shirt (on sale). 😀

    • Always Uttori says:

      Thanks Sarah! Personally, I don’t thrift shop often, although I have enjoyed it the few times I’ve done it. However, there are some frustrating things I find about the thrifting process, such as finding something I like but it not being the correct size, or is too damaged. Something else that might be of interest/related to thrifting is vintage shopping. This may not be as appealing as thrifting since, in my experience, I’ve found the prices to be higher and have never bought anything, but it is fun to look around. Thrift shopping wasn’t something I had previously considered, so thanks for adding that to the discussion. Any other INTJs want to weigh in? I’d be curious to know how you all feel about thrifiting as well!

      • Hjohieo says:

        I don’t thrift shop, I’m not a big fan at all. There’s no consistency, and no guarantee of quality. I don’t go looking for clothing that I possibly can’t wear for years and years. Even if it’s a really low price, clothing that I could only wear for a short time is out.

        I don’t mind consignments though. A couple friends dragged me to one a while ago (it only worked because I had to drive since their cars had child seats and we were leaving the children with the husbands) and it wasn’t a terrible experience. There was still the “I have to look through -how- many racks?!” but not terrible.

        • Always Uttori says:

          Ahh, consignment shops are also something to consider! So it seems like the more structured or curated, the shopping experience, the less stressful it is to shop. Some of the same reasons you mentions are why, I too, don’t find myself thrifting often. I did enjoy the experience when I went, though I was on vacation so I went as a tourist more than to really shop. And the things I did buy ended up in the trash or another thrift shop in the end. I guess I don’t have the thrifting process down to an art like Sarah does.

  4. I laughed at the ‘collecting tags’. I do that!

    • Always Uttori says:

      Yay! Glad I’m not the only one. I was a bit nervous putting that in there, but I had read about another INTJ doing the same, so guessed maybe it was a common thing. Thanks for stopping by 😀

      • Sola says:

        I keep tags on, too. Everything I’ve bought so far are all on some type of discounted price or other and I always adhere to a style/color system that makes me a very decisive shopper.

        • Always Uttori says:

          I’m hearing that a lot of INTJs have really complicated systems for shopping which is so cool! And I’m really glad to know I’m not the only one who keeps tags. My mom thinks it’s quite strange. Thanks for joining the conversation Sola!

          • Hjohieo says:

            I never keep tags. I just don’t find them useful, unless I plan on returning the item, which I usually don’t. Why buy it if you might return it, right? Tags are just clutter to me. Maybe I’m just a weird INTJ girl XD

          • Always Uttori says:

            I don’t think you’re a weird INTJ girl because you don’t collect tags! Personally, I think it’s an interesting habit that I can’t quite explain. (My mom always thought it was weird!) Collecting tags certainly seems like something a dominant sensor might do more than an INTJ, however, INTJ’s inferior function is extroverted sensing, so it may be that, or some need to collect data from either the thinking or intuitive function. Maybe it has nothing to do with MBTI at all and is simply a personal quirk. As an INTJ, I tend to have an unconscious system dictating if I keep that tag over this tag. If the tag is really nice, or the item was expensive, I may be more likely to keep it. Tags are always subject to throw away later, It’s just that, for some reason, I’m more inclined to keep them at first. Thanks for joining the discussion Hjohieo!

  5. Ashe Skyler says:

    It seems to me #5 would be obvious, especially given the likelihood of being frugal. It’s usually cheaper to just repair something than buy a whole new thing. Not to mention the irritation of trying to get the new thing broke in. It’s one reason I absolutely dread shoe shopping. I buy a pair maybe once every five years or so because I am not thrilled about how tight and painful those shoes are going to be until they’ve been stretched a bit.

    • Always Uttori says:

      Yes! Repairing your own clothes is rather obvious to an INTJ, but I think there are some cognition types who would feel it was easier to replace the item or just get rid of it.

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