Dots and Stripes Forever.
Dots and Stripes Forever.

Dots and Stripes Forever

I love a good stripe pattern. I’m not sure how other INTJs feel about patterns on clothing, but for this INTJ, stripes help me break away from my tendency to buy black and only black. It’s still a black line, right? Notice how the shirt has thin lines and the

Photo Credit: Keystone,, woman with abnormally large eyes.

Why Isn’t Cognitive Branding a Thing?

They’re Watching You . . . Whenever we play an app on our phone, check our e-mail, google something, make an online purchase, or physically go to the store, we are producing data.  I don’t mean to sound paranoid. I worked as a technical business analyst for two years – primarily in

INTJ Music Playlist

August INTJ Music Playlist 2: Classically Intriguing

August INTJ Music Playlist 2: Classically Intriguing Ready for a new INTJ music Playlist? I’m sharing five songs that I listen to when I want to get swept away by the music. The summer has been pretty hectic, so it will be nice to unwind a bit before the fall and football

White, Sue Wong dress

Paradox 2: That’s No Angel. It’s an INTJ Female

Previously, I shared Part One of my INTJ Paradox Aspire look. If you missed it, be sure to check it out here! Today I’m sharing the look that represents the “Angel” window dressing to my “dangerous” INTJ cognition. INTJ females, in particular, tend to have an aura of danger around them.

The General Shopping Habits of the INTJ.

General Shopping Habits of the INTJ

Over the past three weeks, I’ve been talking about the fashion habits of INTJ females (you can check out part 1 here, part 2 here, and part 3 here). While the focus of the previous articles was specific to INTJ  females, many of the concepts I talked about in the

2 INTJs Play Video Games

2 INTJs Play Video Games

I’m a data geek. I love to collect information about, well, anything. So, for purely academic reasons, I googled INTJs and video games. The results were both surprising and humorous with search results including: “Are video games INTJ Kryptonite?” And, “My INTJ boyfriend never goes out (he wants to play

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