Voided. Photo Credit: Always Uttori.

Valentine’s Day

Voided. Photo Credit: Always Uttori.

Goodbye INTJ Romance Fashion

Goodbye INTJ Romance Fashion: If you follow us on Instagram, you’ve already seen our final two anti-romance pictures, but I’m happy to finally get them published on the blog.

Buy or DIY: Chocolate Face Mask

Buy or DIY: Chocolate Face Mask |

Now that Valentine’s day is over, you may be wondering what to do with all that chocolate you got from your coterie of admirers. No worries. Instead of gorging on and gaining weight with that 85% cacao chocolate, you can use it as a face mask to level up your skincare, ensuring double the admirers and even more free chocolate next year!

INTJ Female Romance: Why Is She Guarded?


Valentine’s day may be over, but the discussion on INTJ relationships isn’t. This week, we’re talking about why the INTJ female is guarded, and we’re sharing more of our anti-romance vs. romantic fashion looks.

Outdoor Movie. Photo Credit: Svetikd.

Valentine’s Day in: Introvert Love Movies


Did you know that more than half of people looking for an awesome Valentine’s Day experience choose to stay home to Netflix and Chill rather than dressing up and going out? Maybe introverts are just more likely to respond to survey questions, but regardless, if you’re looking for a great movie to watch this Valentine’s day, we’ve got a few suggestions. While most lists cover the latest rom-com, we’ve tried to find movies where the introvert character is front and center. Also, not all of the suggestions on this list are actually movies (some are Korean dramas), but all feature an introvert on a journey to finding love.

INTJ Female Romance: Why is she Independent?


The month of love is upon us and those tricky relationship questions that we all have are especially top of mind. Last year, we identified several INTJ female qualities that make dating INTJ females a unique, and maybe even a little confounding, experience to the uninitiated. The articles have been some of our most popular articles to date, (no pun intended).

Honeycomb Candy Finished. Photo Credit: Always Uttori. Chocolate Covered Honeycomb Candy. Alwaysuttori.com

Chocolate Covered Honeycomb Candy

Chocolate-Covered Honeycomb Candy

Looking for the perfect Valentine’s Day treat to impress loved ones or binge on yourself? Look no further. This honeycomb toffee candy is quick and easy to make but looks so fancy.

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