Photo Credit: Gary Waters - #: 536907339. INTJ Mastermind: Enemies of the States, Cognitive State.

cognition style

Photo Credit: Gary Waters - #: 536907339. INTJ Mastermind: Enemies of the States, Cognitive State.

INTJ Mastermind: Enemies of the States – Cognitive State

INTJ Mastermind: Enemies of the States, Cognitive State In our theory of states for the mastermind, we provided a general definition of each of the states – cognitive state, psychological state, and mental state (read the first post here). Mental states. We all have them. Maybe a good metaphor for

Number 5. Photo Credit: Fabio La Donna, MBTI and the Five Factors of Personality.

MBTI and the Five Factors of Personality

Intro A few weeks ago, we talked about the Enneagram test, a personality test that complements the Myers-Briggs Type Indicators quite well. Today, we are going to talk about another measure of personality, the Five Factors of Personality (also known as Big Five). There are many similarities between MBTI and

Mari. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey. Published in The INTJ Mastermind Series, Part 4. Systematization.

The INTJ Mastermind Series Part 4: Systematization Toolkit

Welcome back to another installment of the INTJ Mastermind Series. Today, we’re sharing tools from our Mastermind Systematization kit. If you missed the previous posts, you can check out part 1 here, part 2.0 here, and part 2.5 here. As always, I would love to know your thoughts on this, and

Photo Credit: Meredith Winn. Published in Introvert Life: The Thankful INTJ.

Introvert Life: The Thankful INTJ

The Thankful INTJ Happy Thanksgiving 2017, Femme Dangels. From the staff at Always Uttori, we wish you a warm and safe Thanksgiving holiday. It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is this Thursday. In the spirit of the season, I would like to share some of the things that I, as

Photo Credit: Henrik Sorensen - 652278369. Discussing INTJ Paradoxes, part 1.

Discussing INTJ Paradoxes Part 2: Objective Emotive

Can Ya Dig? You know what they say about us. INTJs — they’re cynical. They’re unemotional. They’re savages robots – barely even human. They, whoever they are, post these statements on the internet and assume that because INTJs do not broadcast their emotions that we do not possess them. But,

Photo Credit: Rich Vintage - 161312789. Published in Discussing INTJ Paradoxes, part 2.

Discussing INTJ Paradoxes Part 1: Socratic Paradox

Today I want to go deeper into the idea of paradoxes and discuss a common INTJ paradox: knowledgeable, but insecure. In fact, this paradox has a name, it’s called the Socratic Paradox. The Greek philosopher Plato credited his teacher Socrates as having said, “All that I know is that I

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