This week, we continue our examination of new Identity frameworks with INTJ Mastermind | The Gamified Self.
Gamified Self as Identity Framework
If psychologists view setting a resolution (or goal) as an organizing action that aids in revealing personality, it is only reasonable to ask ourselves how we decide on the elements that we use to inform the mental models used to help us decide when we have achieved a goal. Like Quantified Self and Integrated Self, the Gamified Self is another newly emerging framework for self-actualization and goal setting. While many consider the gamified self to be little more than an off-shoot of the quantified self, as frameworks go, the gamified self is one of the few identity frameworks to include self-motivation as an integral part of the goal-setting process. Rather than taking a “you-are-what-you-do” perspective, the gamified-self utilizes behavioral psychology theories, like cognitive evaluation theory, which posits that all humans possess intrinsic motivation (This motivation can be undermined by extrinsic factors). Moreover, the gamified self also incorporates into its framework what psychology calls a self-schema. Self-schemas are the varying aspects of self that we use to define and identify ourselves from a personal, developmental, and social point of view.
For the Gamified Self, this schema is connected to motivational factors called core drives. A leading evangelist in the gamification Goals are connected to a core drive the use of life data as the basis for quantification of identity seems the perfect amalgamation of identity theory, practice, and toolset.
Gamified Self Practices
Like other self-tracking focused identity frameworks, gamified-self utilizes self-tracking and data indicators. According to gamification evangelist Yu-kai Chou, gamification is human-focused design, and as such, optimizes the human experience in the system, as opposed to the efficiency of the system. More than points, badges, and leaderboards, gamified-self breaks motivation into 8 key factors, each with a well-developed path for reaching goals as a form of competency. Chou also divides the motivations into “black hat” and “white hat” drivers. Well-designed gamification applications lead users through a series of defined phases from “onboarding” to “leveling up”.
Gamified Self Technology Tools
Quantified-Self tools track things, which makes them far easier to design and implement. In fact, quantified-self tools are systems tools, and as such, it is the system that receives the design focus. Gamification tools, by their very nature, require an understanding of human psychology and motivation, of gamification strategies, and game mechanics. With all of the skills required to create a gamification tool, it is just recently that well-developed gamification tools have begun to enter the market. Still, there are several new tools available to use for gamifying a brand new you.
Gamify your to-do list with Habitica, Task Hammer, or Epic Win
Break bad habits and build a healthier life with Super Better
Overcome self-defeating emotional triggers with Mind Bloom
Further Reading:
Yu-Kai Chou’s List of Gamified Self Technology Tools
How Gamification Motivates: An experimental study of the effects of specific game design elements on psychological need satisfaction
How to Gamify? A Method for Designing Gamification