Always Uttori Spring Tulip Hydrangea wreath. Pink and white tulip wreath with pink hydrangea and leaves. Frontgate dupe. Mother's day wreath. Spring Wreath.


Always Uttori Spring Tulip Hydrangea wreath. Pink and white tulip wreath with pink hydrangea and leaves. Frontgate dupe. Mother's day wreath. Spring Wreath.

I duped a $200 Wreath | Spring Mother’s Day Wreath

With Mother’s Day just around the corner I thought I would recreate this beautiful tulip and hydrangea wreath from Frontgate. The original cost $189, can I dupe it for less? This spring wreath would make a great gift for friends and family, or even yourself!

Crafty Candles. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey. Introvert Life: 4 Quick and Easy DIY Gifts.

Introvert Life: 4 Quick and Easy DIY Gifts

Hey, Femme Dangels, we’re back with 4 D-I-Y projects that you can make for yourself, or give as gifts to your friends this holiday season. I’ve been watching Youtube, and trolling Pinterest for ideas and, while I applaud all of the talented crafters out there, it’s not me. So, if you’re

Skelton Belt DIY. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey.

Skeleton Belt DIY

Hey, Always Uttori Readers! Ready for a spooky DIY? I’ve seen this skeleton hand belt on several Pinterest boards. It was created by designer Delfina Delettrez and, while it is no longer in production, it retailed for a whopping $3,853. Chump change, right? Anyway, this creepy cute belt is perfect

Chanel Ribbon Choker D-I-Y. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey. 2016. All Rights Reserved.

DIY Trend: Chanel Choker 2 Ways

I’m not that crafty, but I can work a tube of glue. As chokers are on trend right now, and I needed one to complete the off-the-shoulder look featured on  Monday’s fashion look. I decided to try making my own. Nothing could be more simple. Although chokers are not expensive,

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