Our fresh white and blue summer style, look 2 is all about flirty summer vibes. Often, we put a lot of weight on summer, we have this image in our heads about what the perfect summer looks like. It’s a magical time of vacations, summer love, and other vague ideas of perfection that we feel obliged to act out during the summer months. In this way, summer can actually be a stressful time as we struggle to live up to our own expectations and desires. In reality, it’s likely that, everyone else is traveling while you’re stuck at a summer job, or you’re experiencing record heat instead of a balmy 70 degrees, yet your air-conditioning is broken, or any other myriad of life problems. Just because it’s summer, doesn’t mean life goes on pause for a fantasy trip.
I was struck with the irony of it all. As any blog aims to do, we are selling a snapshot, an ideal picture of lifestyle. It’s all a bit silly sometimes, and as an INTJ I have a harder time than most at keeping up appearances. I’m happiest in my PJs at home, but I went to this lovely alley in St. Paul specifically to sell the idea of easy, flirty, summer vibes. And what does flirty summer mean? Who knows, but if I’ve learned one thing in my classes for fashion management, it’s that a tag line always sells even if there is little substance. In the case of this jumpsuit, it’s cute, simple, and the sleeves give a flirty feel, hence the inspiration. It really is a great jumpsuit if you’ve got a date, or a night out on the town with friends. Even if summer isn’t everything we might want it to be, that doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate the moments we do have, or even work our hardest to create our own ideal summer, despite the hardships that may come.
Oh For Fashion’s Sake!
Jumpsuit: Asos
Shoes: Charlotte Russe