We are coming to an end to our February “love” fest, so I thought that the final anti-romance fashion, girl warrior, should reflect INTJ girl power. The INTJ female fashion sense is equal parts edgy and quirky, with a big dose of bad ass; but then, we are masterminds. In our everyday lives, we may choose to wear a uniform to blend in, but today’s look is the embodiment of an INTJ’s inner life: bold, mysterious, powerful, sharp, and unique. I understand that it can be hard to be yourself in a world that values conformity, but on those days when you get the chance to take a break from conformist fashion, nothing feels better than dressing for your inner self. And, if you choose to go out wearing your inner expression, wearing what makes you feel strong, it puts added confidence in your step. It doesn’t hurt to look a little scary too, people might give you a wider berth.
By the way, I love Pinterest. It’s one of my favorite social media sites. I’ve decided to include some Pinterest quotes as captions on today’s photos. These are the quotes I turn to when I’m in need of inspiration, confidence, or encouragement. Hopefully, the quotes can also be a reminder to you that you are an amazing and unique person. As long as you are living your life and becoming the person you want to be, that’s all that matters.
Shirt: Gracia
Pants: Q
Shoes: Zara