Photo Credit: Jamie Larsen/EyeEm,


Photo Credit: Jamie Larsen/EyeEm,

Why Shopping at Sephora Makes Me Want to Cry

Last week, we discussed using cognition awareness as an aspect of brand development. It’s one thing to theorize that cognition awareness can be an effective strategy in branding and retailing, but if we really examine why an awareness of cognition style matters, I think the ideas first presented in “Why

Brie and Apple Nut Fritters. Photo Credit: I'mari Avey. 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Gluten Free Apple and Brie Fritters

Fritter me this, Always Uttorians. Welcome to the Always Uttori Take Down! That’s right, AU-PEEPS.  If you came to this site hoping for your daily INTJ-Femme fix, you’re outta luck. Always Uttori’s Friday dose of Uttori fabulousness is a gluten free Brie and Apple Nut Fritter. If you know I’mari personally, you

INTJ Music Playlist

August INTJ Music Playlist 2: Classically Intriguing

August INTJ Music Playlist 2: Classically Intriguing Ready for a new INTJ music Playlist? I’m sharing five songs that I listen to when I want to get swept away by the music. The summer has been pretty hectic, so it will be nice to unwind a bit before the fall and football

2 INTJs Play Video Games

2 INTJs Play Video Games

I’m a data geek. I love to collect information about, well, anything. So, for purely academic reasons, I googled INTJs and video games. The results were both surprising and humorous with search results including: “Are video games INTJ Kryptonite?” And, “My INTJ boyfriend never goes out (he wants to play

K-Drama Promotional Posters

An INTJ’s Top 5 Favorite Korean Dramas

An INTJ’s Top 5 Favorite Korean Dramas So, you already know the 10 reasons I love Korean dramas, but what are some of the dramas, I as an INTJ, like? If you’re really into K-dramas, chances are you’ve seen at least one of the dramas listed here.  Even if you’ve

Always Uttori Playlist Image

INTJ Music Playlist #1: INTJ Female and Proud

Who’s ready for some music?! I’m sharing some of my favorite music that gets my INTJ-cognition jamming. With apologies to the late Mr. James Brown, Say it loud, INTJ female and proud! You can access this playlist here on YouTube, or scroll down to jam out! Oh No, Marina and

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