
Fairy-ish: Expressing the INTJ’s Introverted Intuition Aspect

Today’s ASPIRE look represents something that is near and dear to me. As an INTJ and dominate introverted intuition user, expressing my creative inner life can be difficult. Because I am an introvert, and my dominant function is also introverted, I interact with the world through my extroverted thinking function.

Always Uttori: Femme Dangel

Femme Dangel – INTJ Female

INTJ females have been told all kinds of crazy, but perhaps the craziest crazy they are told is that, because they’re rational, due to the extroverted thinking aspect of their cognition style, it somehow makes them masculine. What the what??? As a proud INTJ femme, I would have to, rationally,

Striped Dress Feature Photo

INTJ Wedding Guest Bliss

Now that summer is coming to an end, the wedding season is also winding down.  However, love was in the air this past summer as two of my friends got engaged, and I attended the wedding of a family friend. I’ve been to a couple of weddings, but I still wanted to refresh

Two-thousand forties gal

A 40’s Gal in 2016

Through interactions I’ve had on this blog, as well as some snooping around fellow INTJ’s Pinterest boards, I’ve noticed that a lot of INTJ girls are drawn to period/vintage clothing. I don’t know for sure why this is the case.  If I were to speculate, I think that the concrete nature of the past

White, Sue Wong dress

Paradox 2: That’s No Angel. It’s an INTJ Female

Previously, I shared Part One of my INTJ Paradox Aspire look. If you missed it, be sure to check it out here! Today I’m sharing the look that represents the “Angel” window dressing to my “dangerous” INTJ cognition. INTJ females, in particular, tend to have an aura of danger around them.

Girl in black knit dress, mini-length

Paradox 1: About that Victorian Vamp Life

Paradox 1: About that Victorian Vamp Life This week, I’m sharing two ASPIRE looks. The two looks symbolize the paradoxical nature of certain MBTI types. If you’ve been in the MBTI community long enough, you’ll have seen posts about type contradictions or paradoxes. The two most common INTJ paradoxes that I’ve seen

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