INTJ Playlist #21: Girl Boss

INTJ Playlist #21: Girl Boss

March has come roaring in like a lion for many parts of the country, but you know what, it’s women’s history month. Women have long ridden the winds of change. So this month,we’re celebrating, not only the achievements of women, but also encouraging those still striving to achieve their goals: from the trail blazers to the game changers, from the truth seekers to the truth tellers. Yes, women make history all year long, but to turn history into herstory requires the right mindset. That’s why this playlist is about bossing up our mindsets. To get hyped with our INTJ girl boss playlist. Scroll for music or click here to check out the full playlist. By the way, I would like to add that despite the #Timesup and #Metoo movements, music seems to be caught in the rut of selling overly sexualized images of women.

Hey Hey Hey – Katy Perry

INTJ girls are paradoxical even when bossing it up. We are a zen storm, a pretty rose with thorns, watch out.

Everybody Wants to be Famous – Superorganism

When fame and world domination collide.

Grown Woman – Beyoncé

There’s a difference between girl boss and a Boss. It takes a grown women to be a BOSS. Being a girl boss is about growing into a grown woman.

Masterpiece – Jessie J

Being a girl boss isn’t easy. Failure and uncertainty are constant companions. What matters is learning from mistakes and not giving up.

Never Give Up – Sia

This song comes from the movie, Lion, based on a true story about a five-year-old boy who gets separated from his brother on the busy streets of Calcutta. He endures frightening hardships and is eventually adopted by an Australian couple. Yet, he never forgets his family. Eventually, after years of searching, he reunites with his birth mother. The movie is, at times, heartbreaking, but it reaffirms the truth that the greatest challenge we all face is in finding our way.

This Is Me – Keala Settle (The Greatest Showman)

If you watched the 2018 Oscars show, you may have seen Keala Settle’s performance of the song, This Is Me. I didn’t include it in the playlist, but if you’re struggling with fear, uncertainty, or a desire to slip back into the shadows because of the hot glare of the spotlight, take a few moments and remind yourself that you are glorious, INTJ woman, scars and all! You march to the beat that you drum. Play this song whenever you need a reminder that the journey you’re on only requires that you be you. Happy Women’s History Month.

And, what the heck, here’s one more feel-good bonus video.

The Champion – Carrie Underwood, ft. Ludacris

If you’re a fan of Sunday football fan, you’ve probably heard this song, which was the 2018 theme song.

Listen to full playlist below.

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