Derrick Der. Photo Credit: Duke Bellorum. Always Uttori: An INTJ Guide to the Hottest Guys on Instagram.

Always Uttori: An INTJ Guide to the Hottest Guys on Instagram

Derrick Der. Always Uttori: An INTJ Guide to the Hottest Guys on Instagram.

Hey, single ladies! Rather than wasting time dreading Valentine’s Day, or wishing you were partnered up, lets instead enjoy the fact that we are single. Being single is not all that uncommon anymore. According to a 2014 Pew Research study, the share of never married adults is at a record high in the U.S.. So, if you’re single, you’re not alone. Moreover, there are any number of perks in being single. For example, instead of spending Valentine’s Day plucking and shaving and flossing and glossing, put on your most comfortable pjs, wrap up in your warmest blanket (it’s still cold where I live), and feast your eyes on the first annual, Always Uttori Stag Club. What’s a stag club? Although unicorns are considered male in mythology, we’re operating from a new canon. In the MBTI, the unicorns are female, and why not call our male counterparts stags? I did research to see if there was something better, but I kept coming back to this. Anyway,  If you’re on Instagram, you know there are many talented, stylish, and attractive guys sharing their lives and their passions via their Instagram feeds. As Valentine’s Day is on its way, I’ve asked a few of my favorite male Instagrammers to help us out by serving up some Always Uttori Eye Candy, and answering five deep, incisive questions about themselves.

But wait, aren’t INTJ females attracted to the mind? Cute guys are nice, but where are the guys who are more than cute? Never fear. The Stag Club is made up of guys who are not only physically attractive, but they are a checklist of the INTJ female wish list: educated, talented, driven, and even a bit quirky.  So, if your plans for Valentine’s Day include organizing the sock drawer, put that off, and spend some time perusing the Instagram feeds of our Always Uttori Stag Club. No need to thank me.  It was hard work choosing the guys, but someone had to force themselves to look at hundreds of pictures of hot guys.  I might even force myself to do the same next year. Sigh.

Our first Always Uttori Stag Club Spot goes to Derrick D. also known as @Der_ipsni.

Derrick Der. Photo Credit: Duke Bellorum. Always Uttori: An INTJ Guide to the Hottest Guys on Instagram.
Derrick D. Photo Credit: Duke Bellorum
Get to Know Derrick D.

Question: Introvert or extrovert?
Answer: introvert

Question:  What song on your playlist do you have on repeat?
Answer:  Castle on the Hill – Ed Sheeran

Question: Let’s talk about love. What’s your “getting to know her” approach style? Friends First And Forever (FFAF), or Love at First Sight (LAFS)?
Answer: I definitely would like to spend the time to get to know her as a friend first. But at the same time, I do feel that there could be elements of “love at first sight” in terms of initial attraction that could influence how I would approach her, or the dynamic in which our friendship takes on.

Question: When you go on a date, what’s your date style? Mystery, Action Adventure, or Romantic Comedy?
Answer: My ideal date, whether it involve mystery, action, adventure, or romantic comedy, would simply be time well-spent getting to get to know one another and having fun. Obviously, it would also need to involve good food.

Question:  Name a Guilty Pleasure.
Answer:  (My) guilty pleasure would probably have to be those sour gummy octopuses, or hot Cheetos. I really like outdoorsy scents too.

Question: Single or Taken?
Answer:  Single

Thanks to Derrick for being a good sport and answering our questions. Learn more about him by following @der_ipsni on Instagram.

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