Photo Credit: Rich Vintage - 161312789. Published in Discussing INTJ Paradoxes, part 2.

introverted intuition

Photo Credit: Rich Vintage - 161312789. Published in Discussing INTJ Paradoxes, part 2.

Discussing INTJ Paradoxes Part 1: Socratic Paradox

Today I want to go deeper into the idea of paradoxes and discuss a common INTJ paradox: knowledgeable, but insecure. In fact, this paradox has a name, it’s called the Socratic Paradox. The Greek philosopher Plato credited his teacher Socrates as having said, “All that I know is that I

The INTJ Mastermind Series, Part Two. Photo Credit: Andreas Kuehn - 626683519. Published by

The INTJ Mastermind Series Part 2: Mastering the Mind

Welcome back to the Always Uttori INTJ Mastermind Series, Part 2. If you missed part one, check it out here. Anyone who reads this blog knows that I often say that I’m no fan of stereotypes. However, a trait that can be applied to most INTJs is that, once you

Woman wearing artificial intelligence mask. Photo Credit: Colin Anderson - 543194867.

The INTJ Mastermind Series Part 1: The Mastermind Mindset

The INTJ Mastermind Series Part 1: The Mastermind Mindset According to Google, the word mastermind can be either a noun or a verb. It is defined as a person with outstanding intellect (noun); or, as a verb, the ability to plan and direct a complex scheme or enterprise. It should come

Building Customer Affinity Part 3: INTJ Affinity Factors

Over the past two weeks, we have discussed building customer affinity by utilizing a knowledge of Myers-Briggs typology. Last week, we briefly covered the eight cognitive functions and how targeted branding efforts, focused on meeting the needs of each function, can help to build deeper connections with customers. Today, we

Woman Holding Glowing Particle Orb. Photo Credit: Colin Anderson - 543194857 via

Male versus Female INTJ: Part 2, Intuition

Two weeks ago, we began discussing the differences between male and female INTJs, starting with the discussion of introversion in men and women. Today’s post continues to examine intuition and how this function is both expressed and viewed through the lens of gender.  For rationals, it’s easy to dismiss intuition as

Woman holding a clear orb. Tom Merton via

Building Customer Affinity through MBTI: Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the Building Affinity through MBTI series. If you missed part one where we talked about customer- centricity, be sure to catch up here. Okay, now that we’ve got the basics covered, let’s talk about why the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can help you build affinity with

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