Back To School Fashion 2017: Star Athlete, Feature.L1. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey. Slay The Books Looks Back to School Fashion 2017.

Slay The Books Looks Back to School Fashion 2017

Back To School Fashion 2017: Star Athlete, P1, L1. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey. Slay The Books Looks Back to School Fashion 2017.
Slay The Books Looks Back to School Fashion 2017

Happy August, everyone! If you were an Always Uttori reader last year, you know August means this month’s fashion editorial will focus on back to school looks with a twist. With the exception of today’s look, we will share a student archetype look on Mondays; on Thursdays, we will share the correlated adult (grown up) look. Our first fashion inspiration for Slay The Books Looks Back to School Fashion 2017 is the star athlete.

Besides being a student archetype for this photo editorial, athleticism can be considered both a skill and an important form of intelligence. It’s easy to discount the development of athletic skill as irrelevant to those of us who are more introverted in nature. The stereotype of “dumb jock” is especially prevalent in academic settings; however, besides being a form of kinetic intelligence, developing skill as an athlete also requires the development of analytical and problem-solving skills. The Brain: Why Athletes are Geniuses, puts it this way, “As the brain starts issuing commands, it also begins to make predictions about what sort of sensations should come back from the body if it achieves the goal. If those predictions don’t match the actual sensations, the brain then revises its plan to reduce error…it also continually updates its solution to the problem of how to move the body. Athletes may perform better than the rest of us because their brains can find better solutions than ours do.”

Of course, there is enough evidence that athleticism doesn’t automatically confer intelligence, but practicing any form of athleticism, whether it’s exercise or sports, does help to improve brain functioning (the study was specific to those considered to be above average athletes). The “dumb jock”, along with the flip side of the “uncoordinated nerd”, is just a stereotype. The truth is that there are many intelligent people who are athletes, and many non-athletes  who aren’t that smart. The point is that getting your body moving in any way improves mental health and brain functioning. So, get out there and be the star of whatever type of movement you choose. It’s good for your mastermind. Oh, and you can opt out of the fantasy style hairstyle, unless you’re feeling particularly fierce.

Oh, For Fashion’s Sake!

Shirt: Athletica

Shorts Black: Forever 21

Shorts Transparent: Zara

Shoes: BCBGeneration

Back To School Fashion 2017: Star Athlete, P2, L1. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey. Slay The Books Looks Back to School Fashion 2017.
Back To School Fashion 2017: Star Athlete, P3, L1. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey. Slay The Books Looks Back to School Fashion 2017.

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