It’s Thursday, and that means another Red, White, and Fresh Summer style look! This one doesn’t hit you on the head with red, instead, there is a small pop of color in the shoes. The all white jumpsuit is perfect for the summer heat, but unfortunately, when this picture was taken, it was really cold. After returning from my studies in subtropical Hong Kong, I was woefully unprepared for the chilly north wind that turned a moderately warm Minnesota summer day into a get the picture and go day. Luckily, I brought a jacket (not pictured), otherwise I wouldn’t be here to tell the tale.
Thankfully, I was able to warm up with a chai tea latte and crepes from local Instagram hot spot, Penny’s Coffee, the location of this picture. I’ve been scoping out the local food scene in preparation for a future project, but was equally impressed with the scenic space. If you’re in Minnesota and haven’t been yet, definitely check out Penny’s Coffee.
Oh For Fashion’s Sake!
Jumpsuit: Forever 21
Shoes: Bamboo