Meshed Up Feature Photo. 2017 Workout Fashion, Look 3. Introvert Life - Work Out Style, 2017 Fitness Look 3

Introvert Life – Workout Style, 2017 Fitness Look 3

2017 Workout Fashion, Look 3, Meshed Up, Photo 2. Introvert Life - Work Out Style, 2017 Fitness Look 3
Introvert Life – Workout Style, 2017 Fitness Look 3

This fit fashion look was a bit of a challenge to style, not because of the outfit itself, but because I couldn’t decide which fit fashion jacket to wear. Originally, the choice was about which jacket would complete the look, but the weather on the day of the photo shoot was rainy. A jacket was a necessity.  Still, in the end, I didn’t make a choice. We photographed both jackets.  A surfeit of choice is the rule, rather than the exception, in the activewear market these days. Morgan Stanley predicts that by 2020, the activewear market will represent $83 billion in sales. The value of the market is such that the term “athleisure” was officially inducted into the Merriam Webster Dictionary this year (2016). Fit fashion is big business, expected to grow globally. What does athleisure cover? Beyond the typical running shorts and athletic tees, athletic footwear is expected to continue growing, even expanding into the luxury market. Yoga pants are now the bread and butter of the athleisure market. Yet, despite the robust outlook, the market also faces challenges from an ever increasing number of competitors.

While sales projections are strong in the activewear market, new competitors are rising to challenge activewear stalwarts like Lululemon, Athleta, and Nike. Not all of these challengers are new brands. Luxury brands like Louis Vuitton and Tory Burch Sport have launched athleisure offerings. Fast Fashion retailers like Zara, Gap, and H & M have created their own lines. Even gyms, like Soul Cycle, are getting into the act, offering products to compete for a slice of the pie against new competitors like British brand, Sweaty Betty; and the sibling owned Yogasmoga (whose first collection sold out in three weeks); and Beyonce’s Ivy Park, a partnership between the singer and Top Shop’s, Sir Philiph Green. 

As the activewear market continues to heat up, those of us who love fit fashion are looking forward to a corresponding increase in creativity, functionality, technology, comfort, and design. There are so many options to continue expanding the market that soon trying to decide which jacket to wear will be the least of the decisions I will have to make in choosing workout attire. Whatever happens, fit fashion is lifting expectations for the apparel market. So, if you’re a fashionista and chocolate abs aren’t enough to motivate your workout, perhaps the increasing options in fit fashion can be.

Oh For Fashion’s Sake:

Top: Forever 21

Pants: Forever 21

Jacket 1: Forever 21

Jacket 2: QLZW

Shoes: Nike

2017 Workout Fashion, Look 3, Meshed Up, Photo 1. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey.
2017 Workout Looks, Meshed Up, Photo 4. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey. Introvert Life - Work Out Style, 2017 Fitness Look 3
Meshed Up Feature Photo. 2017 Workout Fashion, Look 3. Introvert Life - Work Out Style, 2017 Fitness Look 3

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