Denim Feature photo. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey. INTJ Fall Fashion Oversize and Denim.

INTJ Fall Fashion Oversize and Denim

Fall Denim, P1. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey. INTJ Fall Fashion Oversize and Denim.
INTJ Fall Fashion Oversize and Denim

Today’s INTJ Fall Fashion is oversized and denim, but not just any denim, embellished rivet denim. Embellished jeans were really hot this past spring and summer, but for your fall transition, go with a darker and sturdier denim to beat the autumn chill. Of course, having holes in the front of your pants doesn’t keep the chill away, but at least you’ll look fly! (On a semi unrelated note, if you do have metal embellishments on your jeans, be extra sure to shave, as leg hair can get caught in the rivets, not fun).

Oversize is one of those trends that looks good on the runway, but can be hard to not only pull off in real life, but also to buy in real life. I’ll admit, this jacket was borrowed from my brother’s old choir uniform. One way to keep oversize from overwhelming your look is to embellish in smart ways. It’s a little hard to see but, in the photo, I’m wearing a bracelet that cinches in the sleeves on my arm, keeping the too big sleeves in place and so that the jacket has shape, instead of coming across as just too big. This is important for oversize styling. Oversize looks have to be given a shape. It’s like art, your frame also includes negative space. The oversize element has to be balanced in connection to other items that you’re wearing. If there is no shape, the end result is frumpy. Often, with oversize clothing, it’s up to you to provide the defining shape, either through a belt, or, as I have done, using jewelry.

This look hits all the right notes for the chill INTJ aesthetic: it’s all black, a bit stand-offish, but also effortlessly chic and easy. The overall effect is strong, which can act as a kind of armor when dealing with the world. Today’s look is less “functional fashion” (fashion worn for performing a function or as a mask while entering society) and more personal aesthetic fashion, the most fun kind of fashion.

Oh For Fashion’s Sake!

Jacket: Sovereign Concept

Shirt: Old Navy

Jeans: Asos

Shoes: Zara

Sunglasses: Forever 21

Fall Denim, P2. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey. INTJ Fall Fashion Oversize and Denim.
Fall Denim, P3. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey. INTJ Fall Fashion Oversize and Denim.

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