Suppressed Emotions. Photo Credit - PeopleImages - 534157151. INTJ Mastermind: A Theory of States.

INTJ Playlist #12: Help I’m feeling an Emotion

Over the last few weeks we’ve been talking about mental health and managing emotions. That Americans are feeling tense and uncertain at this point in time in our history is undeniable. INTJ Playlist #12: Help, I’m feeling an emotion is music that encourages you as you deal with the emotions we all feel. Here, at Always Uttori, we are great believers in the importance of discussing ways to deal with feelings. Life can be challenging. Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught in the grip of negative emotions. This playlist is for those moments when you’re feeling deeply. Listen to the full playlist here or scroll down.

It’s Time to Cry -Code Lyoko Ft. Subdigitals

Sometimes, you need to be reminded that you can make it through a challenge, no matter what you are feeling. No matter how many tears you cry, you’re still the hero of your own story.

Keep Breathing – Ingrid Michaelson

When it’s the existential that has you stressing out, all you can do is keep breathing.

It’s Never Too Late- Three Day’s Grace

You’ve got to remember to keep trying and keep moving forward.

I will not Bow- Breaking Benjamin

The emotional breakdown is not the problem. You can and will survive, even if you have to lock yourself away in your room to cry. It’s after the crying is done that you have a choice. In that moment, your decision to get up and keep trying determines whether you will get stronger, or whether you will bury your strength. Choose strength, INTJ. Don’t bow.

Numb- Marina and the Diamonds

Choosing strength doesn’t mean that the battle is over. It doesn’t mean you won’t fail again. When you choose strength, it’s time to work your way through the challenges. Use the hard times as inspiration to climb higher and do better.

Full Playlist

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