Orangelicious 1. Photo Credit: Always Uttori. Activewear. Photo Credit: Always Uttori. Uttori Fashion | 5 Get Fit Fashion Looks For 2018.

Hack Your New Year’s Resolutions!: INTJ YouTube Watch List #1

Hack Your New Year’s Resolutions! INTJ YouTube Watch List #1

It’s a new year and that means you’ve probably already got you bullet journal filled to the brim with all your lofty ambitions. Contrary to popular opinion, INTJs aren’t all striving for world domination. There are times when we would be satisfied with achieving one of the standard new year’s goals, like being more productive, getting into the habit of working out, or simply having the time to feed our intuition. With that in mind, we’ve scoured YouTube for motivation, inspiration, and in some cases, just plain fun videos to help you reach your goals. Getting from point A to Z requires hard work and dedication, but using your INTJ super powers of discipline and focus, you’re sure to reach your goals in the new year. Good luck and enjoy! You can find the full playlist here or by scrolling to the bottom.

5 interesting Energy Boosting Hacks- Blogilates

Keep on track with these natural and atypical energy hacks.

The Benefits of being Easily Distracted- SciShow Psych

AS INTJs we’e always working on that productivity, but sometimes distraction is helpful!

100 Years of Exercise- Allure

It’s easy stress out about a new workout routine, but this proves movement is movement, and may make you thankful for the abundance of workout options today!

Counting Calories with a Ballerina- Munchies

Find some inspiration from the diets of athletes.

I Trained Like Rey from Star Wars for a Month- Michelle Khare

Working toward a fun goal can change your outlook on getting healthy!

Winter Solstice Meditation: Let Go and Set Your Intention- Yoga with Kassandra

The shortest day of last year may be past us, but this meditation is great for centering, setting goals and intentions, and relaxing.

Intense 11 Abs Workout Routine 4 Weeks to get Abs- 온미Onme

Be sure to turn captions on if you don’t speak Korean, and if you are learning Korean count this as double the benefit. Getting fit isn’t easy, and Yuri shows that we aren’t all fitness buffs!

How to Control Your Mind- Be Inspired

New Year’s Resolutions take will power, find inspiration for self control with this video.

Full Playlist

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