Stepping Out
Happy, happy, happy Thanksgiving, or, if you’re celebrating with friends instead of family, Friendsgiving! If you’re actually reading this on Thanksgiving, I hope that you are enjoying your bathroom break, or whatever you call the five minutes of reset time that you managed to somehow grab. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the hubbub of holiday socializing with family; however, after a couple of hours, I usually take a short break and watch Youtube as my reset, then its back to bad puns, family stories, and stuffing ourselves with stuffing. This year will be a bit different. My younger brother won’t be able to make it home to spend the holiday with us, so, it doesn’t really feel like a normal Thanksgiving. While he will be home for Christmas, it is the first time we won’t spend the holidays together as a family. I can’t help but feel that something is missing from this holiday. There will be an empty space at the table, and I am so grateful that he will be home soon to fill it. For those of you with that empty seat at the table that won’t ever again be filled, I don’t want to even imagine such loss. As we all know, the words of a stranger can’t cover such wounds, so I won’t try. Whether it is Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving, or that time of the year when you can’t escape the memories and the sadness of loss, these are the moments that we, as INTJs, should reach for, should connect to, should treasure.
Now, to fashion. . .
This outfit represents what I would wear if I were crazy enough to venture out to Black Friday sales. Although I am a big believer in celebrating the holidays as they come, and not shoving Thanksgiving to the wayside before it has actually arrived, chances are it’s probably over, or almost over, as you’re reading this. That means, it’s time for American retailers’ favorite season: consumerism season. I’m more of a cyber Monday type person, or at least online sales, so I can’t regale you with any crazy black Friday stories, but if you’re a bargain hunter headed out into that mad chaos, hopefully you will dress comfortably. This outfit is comfortable with an edge, so that person eyeing you and trying to decide if they can take you for the very last Hatchem, will know to not even try.
This outfit is stylist free, that is to say these are all things I snagged one way or another and styled myself. The pants, I stole from my brother; the shirt I got from a Tommy Hilfiger outlet; the scarf from a friend; and the shoes as a Christmas gift. So it’s bit hodgepodge, and creates a careless chic that is total INTJ style. This outfit is very much what I tend to wear on a day-to-day basis, instead of heels and pretty dresses. While I love dressing up, and it is a part of my personality, this is just more of who I am everyday. This feels comfortable.
So, whether you spend the day watching parades, football, eating a big dinner, shopping, etc., I hope that at the end of the day, you can slip out of your social attire, and put on your own comfortable, or cozy couture, attire, and create memories together with people you enjoy spending time with.
Oh for fashion’s sake!
Shirt: Tommy Hilfiger
Pants: Zara
Shoes: Shoe Republic LA
Shot: On the old Sony A100, so the quality isn’t that great. And yes, I need to wash my car.