The INTJ Mastermind Series, Part Two. Photo Credit: Andreas Kuehn - 626683519. Published by


The INTJ Mastermind Series, Part Two. Photo Credit: Andreas Kuehn - 626683519. Published by

The INTJ Mastermind Series Part 2: Mastering the Mind

Welcome back to the Always Uttori INTJ Mastermind Series, Part 2. If you missed part one, check it out here. Anyone who reads this blog knows that I often say that I’m no fan of stereotypes. However, a trait that can be applied to most INTJs is that, once you

Woman wearing artificial intelligence mask. Photo Credit: Colin Anderson - 543194867.

The INTJ Mastermind Series Part 1: The Mastermind Mindset

The INTJ Mastermind Series Part 1: The Mastermind Mindset According to Google, the word mastermind can be either a noun or a verb. It is defined as a person with outstanding intellect (noun); or, as a verb, the ability to plan and direct a complex scheme or enterprise. It should come

Woman holding a clear orb. Tom Merton via

Building Customer Affinity through MBTI: Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the Building Affinity through MBTI series. If you missed part one where we talked about customer- centricity, be sure to catch up here. Okay, now that we’ve got the basics covered, let’s talk about why the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can help you build affinity with

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