Always Uttori: Victorian Romance Fashion Style, Look 2. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey.Spring Fashion: A Victorian Romance. Always

Spring Fashion

Always Uttori: Victorian Romance Fashion Style, Look 2. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey.Spring Fashion: A Victorian Romance. Always

Spring Fashion: A Victorian Romance

We’re kicking off our month of paradoxical romantic/punk fashion with inspiration from the Victorian era. And while everyone is ready to do light-colored fashion for spring, our colors will remain darker as we cover dark romantic and punk style. Due to advancements in technology and economic growth in England under

I'mari Avey, INTJ fashion blogger, wearing preppy punk, photo 1. Photo Credit: Mechelle Avey. Spring Fashion: Prepping for Punk.

Spring Fashion: Prepping for Punk

It’s a new month and a new fashion theme. This month, we will be highlighting the contrast between romance and punk fashion. In my mind, it’s an interesting contrast that plays to the INTJ’s love of paradoxes. Look at it this way: the INTJ, though quiet, is the opposite of

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