Crème Brûlée. Photo Credit: I'mari Avey.


Crème Brûlée. Photo Credit: I'mari Avey.

Crème Brûlée

Goodbye, September. For me, September has always been about three things: back-to-school, fall, and my birthday! Throughout September, we’ve primarily focused on back-to-school fashion looks, with a few birthday celebration looks thrown in. However, as it’s the last day of September, I wanted to offer one final shout out to

Always Uttori: Goodbye, Summer.

The Twin Cities Guide to Ice Cream

Sometimes, for an introvert, it’s hard to get out of the house. Although I’m pretty introverted, I can be enticed out by good food. Because of that, I’ve explored lots of restaurants in the Twin Cities, but I hadn’t explored what the cities have to offer in terms of my greatest food

Brie and Apple Nut Fritters. Photo Credit: I'mari Avey. 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Gluten Free Apple and Brie Fritters

Fritter me this, Always Uttorians. Welcome to the Always Uttori Take Down! That’s right, AU-PEEPS.  If you came to this site hoping for your daily INTJ-Femme fix, you’re outta luck. Always Uttori’s Friday dose of Uttori fabulousness is a gluten free Brie and Apple Nut Fritter. If you know I’mari personally, you

It’s All About the Kimichi – Always Uttori Book Review

The Kimchi Cookbook Kimchi. It’s having a moment here in America, but in Korea, it’s a beloved dish that has been a part of daily life in the country for thousands of years, having been first mentioned in The Chapter of Dongyi, in the Book of Wei, the Record of the Three

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